European Centre of Peace Science, Integration and Cooperation a Tirana (Albania)

The International Summer School

European Centre of Peace Science, Integration and Cooperation a Tirana (Albania)

Grazie alla prof.ssa Antonella Biscione, docente di Economia presso la Facoltà di Scienze Economiche e Politiche della Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" di Tirana (Albania) un gruppo di nostri studenti sta frequentando la International Summer School 

Una grande esperienza dellaquale porteranno i frutti al loro ritorno!


The European Centre of Peace Science, Integration and Cooperation and the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" organize the 8th edition of Summer School “Roots of War & Establishment of a Lasting Peace”.

The Summer School “Roots of War & Establishment of a Lasting Peace” aims to provide a group of international students with scientific pillars about roots of war, peace, and issues in peacebuilding. In line with Peace Science tradition, the program is interdisciplinary involving disciplines such as economics, political science, international relations, and history. The Summer school is designed for graduate students with a strong interest in the scientific study of Peace that are either willing to proceed to advanced graduate studies or to future practitioners in the field of international relations and peacebuilding. In order to favor also a fruitful and open dialogue with the lecturers, a small group of students will be selected. The group lecturers are made up of world-wide lecturers in various fields.

 This year the Summer School will be organized onsite from 6th to 13th September 2023, and the program is taught in english. 

